Anthony Armenio

Since our first blog post, Oriental rugs have been the focal point of our discussions. We've had a few moments that we've diverged from the overarching label of Oriental, but other than that the topic has remained the same. This week we're changing things up by highlighting a major featured style on our site that has many popular styles under its brand: Persian rugs.

Like Oriental rugs, Persian carpets come in several different styles. From the Bakhtiar, to the Baluch, to the Mahi Tabriz or Mashad, there are a wide array of options at your disposal. You might recall a few weeks back we published a post highlighting four popular styles of Oriental carpets. Today we're doing the same exact thing, but instead of featuring popular Oriental rug styles, we're focusing on highly sought after Persian carpets. 




Hamadan Persian Rug


  • Creative use of space
  • Old carpet--been on market for a long time
  • Floral designs
  • Interesting color schematic

The Hamadan is a Persian carpet sporting ancestry side by side with genuine creativity. Originating from one of the world's finest weaving centers, the Hamadan incorporates both a classical and original approach toward its format. Aside from simplistically designed carpets, most Oriental or Persian rugs take a "heavy design" approach. This approach incorporates several aspects: deep colors and intricate motifs covering nearly all of a rug's surface area. Though this is an incredibly successful and alluring model, the Hamadan utilizes some of its strengths with its own touch.

So how does the Hamadan's approach differ? Well, a Hamadan inherits the usual flavorful colors any Oriental, Persian or Indian rug possesses, but changes up how it is presented in design. Instead of filling up the rug's surface area with patterns, the Hamadan mixes open space with its floral motifs. By taking this approach, the carpet's open space provides veneration to its colors along with providing a spotlight for its designs. Sometimes the Hamadan switches it up by filling its expanse with designs but drowning it with deeper colors, giving it an illusion of open space. In the end, the Hamadan is a unique rug among the Persian brand. They normally support red, beige, blue, orange or green throughout their composition, and are in both Runner and small to medium sizes measurements.




Heriz Persian Rug


You're probably wondering, "Wait, didn't you guys cover the Heriz in an Oriental rug feature recently?" We did! In that article we even mention that the Heriz is a Persian carpet rather than an Oriental. However, the Heriz is such a popular and sought after item that it deserves a spot in our post featuring its category of origin.

If you read our blog post featuring the Heriz, you likely already know its composition and presentation. Regardless of this, seeing how this rug stands out among the market can be a refresher for veterans and newcomers alike.

Considering we just covered the Hamadan, think of the Heriz as its opposite. A Heriz utilizes all of its space, filling it with its designs and motifs, but in an effective manner. Everything in a Heriz carpet's surface area revolves around "the center". The center itself is normally a medallion encompassed by geometric patterns. Each displayed pattern of the rug, from its medallion to its geometrics, incorporate a varying degree of pigments. This approach allows for each part of the rug to become extremely noticeable. For example, a Heriz's medallion might be a gold yellow, while the border orbitting it is red, following by another border that's beige, and finally the rug's outside edges adorned in a mixes of blue. This eccentric display gives the Heriz a primary purpose: to be magnificent to observe, and to act as the noticeable centerpiece in any section of your home.




Kashan Persian Rug


  • Extremely old rug
  • Antique
  • Distinct colors and design
  • Hard to not notice/centerpiece

Like the Heriz, the Kashan is a Persian rug whose primary focus is acting as the center of attention. When you think of a Kashan, one thing should come to mind: an emblazoned, intense red. While red isn't the only color incorporated into a Kashan, it is so common that it can be seen as one of the rug's inherent traits. By providing this red, it allows the Kashan to have a constant recurring aspect that's draws attention towards itself. Paired with this red are designs that follow a similar approach to the Heriz, but differ entirely in presentation and outline. The Kashan holds itself with a medallion at its center, followed by floral designs all over its surface area. Each motif flows into the next, eventually reaching the four corners of the rug which circumvent the Kashan's outline. In the end, the Kashan embodies larger sizes to occupy most of whatever area its filling as its own centerpiece.

The Kashan's overall approach is accessible to anyone looking to show off their purchase. Any and all who enter your home will immediately be drawn toward its grandeur.




Tabriz Persian Rug


  • Another old antique rug
  • Sometimes has muted colors
  • Distinct presentation
  • Popular selection

The last Persian rug on our featured list, yet it stands as an immensely popular item among our products and the market itself. The Tabriz is the definition of antiquity, sporting a varying degree in looks that establish its long history. A Tabriz can move between two thresholds pertaining to its colors: muted, or deep. When the Tabriz expresses muted tones, its has a bright finish while still presenting its usual design. Outside of this is the rug's alternative approach with standard deep hues.

So, what exactly is the Tabriz's usual design? The design of a Tabriz is a bit of a cross between the Hamadan's usage of open space and the Heriz's design heavy appearance. The Tabriz uses a bit of space between each pattern on its surface area, but is otherwise design heavy. More-so, the patterns on a Tabriz are normally continuous, giving its enter center area a consistent look. This unique approach and wealth of options is exactly why the Tabriz is so popular. It can either embody a full rustic look, or sport a flashy finish. Whatever you're looking for in your a Persian rug, whether it's a laid back approach with its muted colors or an over the top presentation, the Tabriz can do it.


We hope you enjoyed this week's change of pace. These four options aren't the only Persian rugs in our stock, and we hope you'll take a look at our full selection!

Another week, another blog post. As always, cheers, and until next time!